Foods That Prevent Diabetes


Diabetes is caused by our lifestyle and eating habits. So some of the foods we eat can cause this diabetes and some of the foods can reduce the risk of diabetes. Here are some foods that can help prevent diabetes.

Bitter gourd -  Bitter gourd is a vegetable that has a slightly bitter taste and can be used to control diabetes successfully. Some of the compounds in bitter gourd help the cells absorb the excess sugar in the blood. You can eat bitter gourd as bitter gourd curry, bitter gourd paste, bitter gourd sambol and bitter gourd drink. If you have diabetes, it is best to eat a certain amount of bitter gourd daily.

Avocados The monounsaturated fat in avocados slows down our digestion and controls the sudden rise in blood sugar after a meal. The beneficial fats in avocados increase insulin activity. Avocados lower high blood sugar. For these reasons, avocado can be considered a very good food for diabetes.

Barley - Doctors say that eating barley can reduce the amount of sugar in the body by 70. Unlike other foods, eating barley does not raise blood sugar levels all at once, but barley helps control blood sugar levels. You can eat barley even as porridge.

Beans - Beans are a superfood introduced to diabetics. Doctors have found that beans have a high potential to control diabetes. Beans have a low glycemic value and are high in protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which has been shown to reduce the risk of diabetes.

Cabbage - Cauliflower is a delicious vegetable that reduces diabetes. Cabbage is rich in antioxidants, protein, vitamin C, potassium, and folate. High in protein, gooseberries are a great food for diabetics.

Carrots contain very little sugar. Carrots are high in beta carotene, which helps control diabetes and lowers blood sugar levels.

Chicken - You may be wondering how chicken is good for diabetes. Diabetes requires protein instead of carbohydrates, and chicken is good for diabetes because of its high protein content. But chicken should be eaten properly. The meat in the breast area of ​​the chicken is low in fat and the skin is high in fat. Therefore, it is better to remove the skin and eat more of the chest area.

Eggs  - Eggs are a high protein with low glycemic value. Eggs do not become hungry until much later. Doctors call eggs the best food for diabetics.

Fatty fish - This is one of the best foods for diabetes. Research has shown that eating fatty fish can reduce heart disease by 40. Fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, and herring belong to this group of fatty fish.

Nuts and seeds - Almonds, walnuts, nuts, and peanuts all contain protein. They are good for diabetes.

Oatmeal - This is a portion of healthy food for diabetics.

Olive oil - As it contains good fats, it increases insulin activity and helps in reducing diabetes.

Cereal Bread - White bread slightly raises our blood sugar and cereal bread helps to control blood sugar levels by increasing insulin activity.

Sweet potatoes - If you have diabetes, it is better to eat sweet potatoes instead of potatoes. Sweet potatoes are good food for diabetics.

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