Do you know about soy milk?


Soy milk is made from soybeans and is high in protein as well as rich in vitamins and low in fat. Soy milk is recommended worldwide for lactose-intolerant people, and soy milk provides the protein needs of complete vegetarians. 

  • 56 grams per day for the average sedentary man
  • 46 grams per day for the average sedentary woman

Isoflavones, which are similar to the estrogen hormone contained in soybeans, provide the ability to fight diseases such as heart disease, osteoporosis, cancer, and endometriosis. It has also been found that men who eat soy for protein need to lower their LDL cholesterol level by 14% and HDL by 8% by 5 weeks. (Required LDL & HDL level for human)

Soy is a complete protein. Because to be a complete protein, it must contain 9 amino acids. Soy protein is a complete protein as it contains all 9 amino acids. It is also a great drink that can get protein without the bad fats over meat protein. (9 Essential Amino Acids)

The nutritional components contained herein

  • Protein 32.5%
  • Fat 11.2%
  • Carbohydrates 47%
  • Moisture - 4.8%
  • Mineral - 4.5%
  • Crude fiber - 2.9%

Someone who struggles to get fit?
Someone who loves muscle growth?
Are you a bodybuilder?
Is anyone involved in sports?
Is anyone exercising from home?
If not, would you like to get bigger?
Soy will build all your muscles.

 Instead of other protein drinks like cow's milk, it has become a popular product in supermarkets. Although there are specialists who say that it should not be called 'milk', the truth is that soy drink with this name is known to everyone today. A drink that gives great benefits to the body.

This is because it helps to keep the arteries healthy and fight against cardiovascular problems. This type of milk has some contribution of calcium, B vitamins, and phosphorus. Soy isoflavones are highly recommended for women's diets because they help regulate hormones and reduce the risk of breast cancer. Soy is highly recommended during menstruation as it helps to reduce the problems with its isotopes. In addition, this food is a source of vegetable protein which keeps our muscles in good condition.

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